Welcome to Herring Hope & Healing! I am excited to walk alongside you in your journey to hope and healing. In this document, you will find information about our process, disclosures, expectations and policies.
The Herring Hope & Healing Coaching Process:
First and foremost, I like to share a little bit about my personal story of childhood trauma, my recovery journey and how my personal lived experiences inform my professional and educational practice. My abuser was a caregiver in my life at the time. My siblings, my mother and I all experienced the trauma in different ways. My personal experience with the trauma was sexual, emotional and psychological. After years of struggling in school academically, I decided to become a teacher in an urban school district in Boston, MA. After my time as a teacher, I worked as a school administrator (Vice Principal and current district level administrator). During the pandemic, and at the conclusion of my doctoral studies (focusing on supporting sexual trauma survivors in schools) I launched Herring Hope & Healing! Our goal is to coach and empower survivors of trauma and their caregivers to reach their personal, academic and professional recovery goals. We provide academic and personal trauma coaching for all survivors and their caregivers. We also provide services to private business and faith-based organizations base on their needs.
Herring Hope & Healing in Client-Centered. We believe that all clients and personal experiences matter. We put honor of lived experience and confidentiality first. We believe in allowing clients to drive their recovery journey with the support of Herring Hope & Healing staff! Using your goals that we discuss in appointments 1-2, we will craft a coaching program that is specific to you and your needs. We are collaborators in this work together.
The frameworks of such video conferencing programs as: Zoom, What’s App, FaceTime, Facebook Video, Google Meet and Teams are not HIPPA compliant and, therefore I cannot guarantee, with 100% certainty, that information shared through these platforms will be safe from a data breach. However, I do keep all client records secured in ways that anyone other than myself does not have access to them. Anything that you say to me, my notes or any paperwork provided by you or your physician, mental health professional or legal representative (current or past) will be kept confidential. The only time I will break that confidentiality is if I feel you are in danger of harming yourself or another person, or if I receive a legal subpoena to release your records. As a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach™, I act as a Mandatory Reporter, as outlined by The International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching. This means that if I become aware that a minor, disabled person or elderly person is currently being abused I am mandated to report the abuse to the appropriate governing agency.
Escalated Care Protocol
Based on my previous and current experiences as a coach, there may be instances where I may not be experienced in supporting you. Because of this, should you ever disclose and/or exhibit clear signs of unsafe/harmful actions or behaviors, according to the Association, I am mandated to escalate your care to a professional that specializes in the area(s) where you need support. You may still continue the coaching relationship with me. However, we may need to integrate additional professionals depending on the circumstances. Areas that I am mandated to seek outside professional support include: active addiction/substance abuse, suicidality, self-harm, intent to harm or evidence of harming vulnerable populations. I can provide you with additional details if you have questions about this process.
You can expect me:
My expectations of you:
Payment is expected prior to each session via the HHH Acuity Link at the time of booking. You will be invoiced at least 24 hours before each session and payment needs to be made for the session to take place. If you do not make payment the appointment will be canceled.
Crisis Response
If you find yourself in crisis due to safety issues such as suicidal ideation, significant self-harming or violence within a relationship you may reach me via email at Herringhopeandhealing@Gmail.com. I am not available to respond after 7pm EST or before 8am EST every weekday. If you are in crisis outside of those hours please reach out to your physician or health insurance crisis hotline. You can also access RAINN’s Crisis Line (1.800.656.4673) or their online chat feature. You may also reach out to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. The National Suicide Hotline is available at 1.800.273.8255
Communication Outside of Sessions
You may email me outside of session whenever you like and as often as you like. I regret that I am not able to respond to every email you may send. But I promise that I will read all of them before our next session
Appointment Cancellation
I ask that you please cancel a Coaching session at least 24 hours prior to that session’s start time. If you do not do so, or if you fail to show up to our appointment without any prior notice I will require payment for that session. I have set aside this hour for you and if you do not cancel ahead of time I am unable to fill it with someone else. If you repeatedly fail to timely cancel our sessions this may result in my terminating our coaching relationship.
Alcohol and Drugs
Please do not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during our coaching sessions. It is difficult, if not impossible, to have a session worth the devotion of either of our time when you are under the influence. If you are struggling with any substance abuse issues I welcome you to let me know so we can talk about it and work to get you any help that you might need.
If you repeatedly come to a session under the influence but do not tell me, or fail to acknowledge that you are impaired if I ask you whether you are, this may result in my ending our coaching relationship.
Bringing a Third Person into Sessions
Please do not bring anyone to a coaching session (spouse, parent, friend) without first discussing it with me. We need to discuss your confidentiality and goals before a third party is brought into a coaching session.
Cellphone Usage
Please turn your cell phone off or leave it in another room during coaching sessions, unless you are using your phone to hold the session (such as on FaceTime or Facebook Messenger).
Grievance Procedure
I am required to let you know that I am a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach™ credentialed by The International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching. As a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach™ I am bound to uphold the Association’s Code of Ethics. If at any time you feel I have failed to abide by the Association’s CODE OF ETHICS or wronged you in another way you are welcome to contact Sarah Parish, TICC, CTRC-A who is the Chairperson of our Professional Standards Committee. She can send you a grievance form to complete and submit, as well as let you know the process that will take place after she receives your grievance. All reports and grievance actions are held confidential by the Professional Standards Committee.